Redecorating with What You Already Have

We’re totally guilty of increased online shopping since stores are closed. But lately we’ve been discovering ways to restyle budget free. Recognizing that we are fortunate to have extra time on our hands these days, we’ve spent lots of time looking around at the rooms in our home, noticing opportunities to change things up and create even more comfortable and stylish living spaces. With the turning of the weather, days are longer, windows are opening, we’re getting that “spring cleaning” itch, and while we’re all for a total remodel overhaul, recreating the vibe of a room doesn’t have to be drastic to be impactful. Small efforts can instantly transform your space and make it feel fresher.
Take everything off of your shelves, out of the room, or away from table tops and dressers. Starting with a clean slate will give you the opportunity to reevaluate the space and determine how to best use it. Let yourself be inspired by the clean canvas. You can start small here, work your way up to the whole room by starting with a vignette.
After you’ve cleared everything out, put things back with intention. Don’t be afraid to do this a couple times until you’ve landed on the perfect combo. Try rearranging the pillows on your sofa or bed in a new way. Bring the throw blanket from your bedroom into the living room. Use this opportunity to fluff and rotate the cushions on your sofa to make it look new again.
Instead of keeping it in the bookcase, bring your go-to cookbook to the kitchen and lay it on the counter. Leave your favorite cutting board out and style it underneath the cabinet instead of inside it. Unearth your old family recipes and store them in a tin next to the board. Now, they're accessible and still aesthetically pleasing.
Add real life to your interiors. Head outside and forage for flowers or greenery to freshen up your nightstand, coffee table or counter top. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by nature at every turn and love the plethora of flora and fauna available to us.
With warmer weather on the horizon, a few blooms and branches can refresh your interiors and bring a spring feeling into your home. We love that design, like nature is cyclical.
Take this opportunity to look through your attic, basement or anywhere else you store things for items long forgotten. An old heirloom or a keepsake add character to your interiors. Vintage elements help make your space feel unique and personal, elevating your style and breaking you away from "cookie cutter" design.
These items don't have to have a long, involved backstory. Whether it's something you made as a child, an old vase from your grandmother's house or a souvenir from a vacation, at some point it meant enough to you to save. Sometimes these items are a bit imperfect and that's one of the best parts! Life isn't always perfect and sometimes it's a little messy and we love incorporating elements that capture that kind of authenticity in our design.
Design is just as much about the way things are presented as it is about the items themselves. We love how design an be bold, yet approachable, surprising yet familiar, and when it's done well, a single element is just as impactful as the whole room. The items in our home are a reflection of who we are, and we can use them to tell our story and create a backdrop for a life well lived.
*photography credit Josh Robinson White of Vineyard Lights Photography
- Tags: design design how to
- Emily Lowe
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